Written by Anonymous
Complied & Directed By Gökçe Kurt Elitez
Gökçe Kurt Elitez
Ziya Serkan Doğan / Ali Ertekin
Fuat Yıldız
Bahri Çakır
Set & Costume Designer Dilek Kaplan
Light Designer Önder Ay
Composer Fuat Yıldız / Bahri Çakır
ChoreographyAlpaslan Karaduman
Dramaturgy Canan Kırımsoy
Cinevision Supervisors Kubilay Karslıoğlu
Assistants Pınar Alev / Nihayet Nihal Köse
Stage Manager Tankut Saraçoğlu
Light Technician Abdullah Basık, Tamer Şalcı
Set Supervisor Salim Kabadayı
Propman Taner Şavşat
Seamstress Melek Akyüz
Seamstress Ünal Şatır, Kadir Metin
Wigs Maker Neslihan Dayakoğlu
If you hear with the language of the heart, all the living beings, plains, trees, rocks birds speak. The smallest detail becomes visible. Dawns and nights tell stories if you hear. Understanding the language of air, soil, sea, mountains, rocks, human is hearing the heart.
Dede Korkut is the book of most ancient narratives which conveys the consciousness of the life from past to today. Past, future and today becomes one; human, a part of it. .. We have conveyed the feeling of existence from those days to today with the breathe of Dede Korkut.
7th Art Ordo International Theater Festival - 3rd Best Play
1st International Abish World Kazakhstan Theater Festival - Best Performance
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Terimler & Koşullar
Terimler & Koşullar
Gizlilik Politikası
Gizlilik Politikası
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