Written by Bülent Usta
Directed by Ali Atilla Şendil
Daniel Morrison Ali Çelik
Janet Lane Gerçek Alnıaçık
Derren Sharp Orkun Gülşen
Gabriel Larson Ozan Uçar
Set & Costume Designer Şirin Dağtekin Yenen
Light Designer Önder Ay
Co-Director Ozan Uçar
Director’s Assistant Pınar Alev
Stage Manager Şeyda Pektok
Sound Techniciain Emre Akgül
Light Technician Abdullah Basık
Set Supervisor İlker Temur
Propman Burçin Özdemir
Seamstress Nur Buket Kaplan
Seamstress Kadir Metin
Wigs Maker Yavuz Dura
Four high level managers responsible for audit in the company of Mr Z, a powerful and feared boss, find themselves locked in a room. Some money has been stolen from the company, which has slipped their notice. Now, the auditors must correct their mistake and detect the guilty among them...
2020- Yeni Tiyatro Dergisi 8. Emek ve Başarı Ödülleri - Yılın Oyun Yazarı Bülent Usta
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Terimler & Koşullar
Terimler & Koşullar
Gizlilik Politikası
Gizlilik Politikası
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