Written by Neil Labute
Translated by Ekin Tunçay Turan
Directed by Dilek Güven
(Character names are not included.)
1st Play: Land of the Dead
Demet Ergün
Oğuzhan Erdoğan
2nd Play: A Second of Pleasure
Türkü Deyiş Çınar
Berk Sezenler
3rd Play: Helter Skelter
Esra Akbaş
Kerim Altınbaşak
Set and Costume Designer Dilek Kaplan
Light Designer Yüksel Aymaz
Composer Emin Serdar Kurutçu
Choreographer Tuğba Özkul
Dramaturgist Günay Ertekin
Assistants İpek Gülbir, Ece Köroğlu, Rami Çakır
Stage Manager Tankut Saraçoğlu
Sound Technician Anıl Güripek
Light Technician Kemal Edis
Set Supervisor Serdar Erman
Propmen Hüseyin Baş
Seamstress Hatice Özyurt
Tailor Ramazan Çakır, Recep Güler
Wigs Maker İbrahim Atmaca
Three short plays written by American author Neil LaBute with striking approaches on modern time bilateral relations, Land of the Dead, A Second of Pleasure and Helter Skelter come together with the title "As if Everything Is Fine".
These three short plays, which reveal the unimaginable reflections of the human spirit’s complexity in bilateral relations, lead the couples who escape from taking responsibility for their relationship to a deadly showdown. While watching, you can feel safe by saying “I am glad that this has not happened to me” and you may make a big mistake by thinking “this always happens to others”.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Terimler & Koşullar
Terimler & Koşullar
Gizlilik Politikası
Gizlilik Politikası
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